Changes between RDML v1.0 to v 1.1 - dataType The element quantity was removed. The quantity is a result of calculation and should be given in the result section which will be implemented in a future version. If a cq-value is not available, the cq value must be set to -1.0. - dyeType A new top level element for the dye. Each target must in v1.1 refer to a dye to allow reconstruction of a plate in multiplex situations (could lead to undefined situations in v1.0). - pcrFormatType The pcrTormatType was redesigned. In v1.0 every new plate setup required an update of the schema. In v1.1 the plate setup is defined by providing columns and rows in combination with a numbering schema for the wells (left to right, rows first). The wells are numbered by position and not by use, the letter+number id is dropped. - primingMethodType The method "other" was added to the list. - reactType The id format was changed to int. All reactions should be numbered by position as described (left to right, rows first). The wells are numbered by position and not by use, the letter+number id is dropped. - sampleType The elements templateRNAQuantity and templateDNAQuantity were changed from double to quantityType giving more freedom in providing quantity information. - sampleTypeType The sample types ntp (no target present), nrt (minusRT) and pos (positive control) were added. - targetType A descriptive string amplificationEfficiencyMethod was introduced for the user to provide information on the method of amplification efficiency calculation. The element dyeId must refer to a dye element by id (it was an optional string in v1.0). - thirdPartyExtensionsType The element allowing third party extensions was removed. The extensions should be provided as seperate files and included into the RDML archive before compression. See Introduction_to_RDML.txt for details. - rdml The element dye was added which is used by the target elements.